qatardel01: True, you possibly come from a place where males can get married to males! With your "advancement" in knowledge, you have put to the wind even the laws of nature, let alone religious or man-made laws.The jungles have laws in existence and animals follow them strictly. It appears your place doesn't. Do you have the courage to state your nationality? You simply don't but since you know mine, you look at everyone from my part of the world through myopic lenses.
As for rules and regulations in the UAE, you are saying things from what your "friends" have told you. That could be all fabricated as your ears are tuned to hearing, accepting, ingesting and quickly assimilating such rubbish. I do not have anyone in the UAE, but from what I read in the media, the law acts severely in that country whenever the authorities get learn of some male-female illicit relationship taking place.
Your views that arranged marriages exist only in India and Pakistan simply reflects your limited knowledge. This system of marriage has been in vogue for centuries in several other countries also such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan Bhutan, Myanmar to name just a few. Also, your view is absolutely off-center while stating that Qataris have "livein" relations.
If you open your eyes wide and are willing to understand, you will realize that Qatar too has regulations to restrict people with your liking and thinking from turning the country into a nightclub. That is why this girl got thrown out and banned from entering Qatar again.That is why Qatar is liked and loved by so many as people coming from cultured homes (unlike yours), as they feel safe and happy to live and work here.
By the way, are you living with your "partner?" Is it a he or a she? Your posts have forced me to be a bit curious!
qatardel01: True, you possibly come from a place where males can get married to males! With your "advancement" in knowledge, you have put to the wind even the laws of nature, let alone religious or man-made laws.The jungles have laws in existence and animals follow them strictly. It appears your place doesn't. Do you have the courage to state your nationality? You simply don't but since you know mine, you look at everyone from my part of the world through myopic lenses.
As for rules and regulations in the UAE, you are saying things from what your "friends" have told you. That could be all fabricated as your ears are tuned to hearing, accepting, ingesting and quickly assimilating such rubbish. I do not have anyone in the UAE, but from what I read in the media, the law acts severely in that country whenever the authorities get learn of some male-female illicit relationship taking place.
Your views that arranged marriages exist only in India and Pakistan simply reflects your limited knowledge. This system of marriage has been in vogue for centuries in several other countries also such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan Bhutan, Myanmar to name just a few. Also, your view is absolutely off-center while stating that Qataris have "livein" relations.
If you open your eyes wide and are willing to understand, you will realize that Qatar too has regulations to restrict people with your liking and thinking from turning the country into a nightclub. That is why this girl got thrown out and banned from entering Qatar again.That is why Qatar is liked and loved by so many as people coming from cultured homes (unlike yours), as they feel safe and happy to live and work here.
By the way, are you living with your "partner?" Is it a he or a she? Your posts have forced me to be a bit curious!