It was no doubt a well-written post that has appeared at Qatar Living after a gap of many months. While the views expressed in the post may not gain the attention of many QLers, the information provided should be helpful and useful to some who intend developing the skills of writing.
Having said that, there are several points in the article I do not agree to, but then each person has his own unique style of writing and that is what differentiates him from others. Other than that, there are some points I wish to add which have helped me in putting up several articles in the past, even at Qatar Living.
It is always a good idea to put up a plan before one sits and begins to write. Jotting down the ideas as they flow into the mind, helps. Once a series of ideas of have been jotted down, the next step is to organize them in proper sequence. With the availability of the internet, a writer could also do a quick research on his subject should there be a need, to make sure the facts in his essay or article are correct. There always exists a possibility of error.
Another key tip is to continuously read and re-read the sentences or paragraphs loudly, even if that requires reading it out to one’s cat. There are many times a sentence may be grammatically correct but may not just sound right to the ears. Re-reading allows for rephrasing a sentence which sometimes helps remove redundancy. Re-reading also allows for a better choice of words which carry the meaning intended thus giving the ideas a better flow, and punch.
Last but not the least; the writer must always keep the reader in view while writing. There are times when a writer himself understands his own thoughts and ideas but they may be difficult for the reader to comprehend. In such situations, the ideas need to be reworded, rephrased, or rewritten for purpose of clarity.
Remember, writing is an art!
PS: I am not a “native” speaker of the English language!
It was no doubt a well-written post that has appeared at Qatar Living after a gap of many months. While the views expressed in the post may not gain the attention of many QLers, the information provided should be helpful and useful to some who intend developing the skills of writing.
Having said that, there are several points in the article I do not agree to, but then each person has his own unique style of writing and that is what differentiates him from others. Other than that, there are some points I wish to add which have helped me in putting up several articles in the past, even at Qatar Living.
It is always a good idea to put up a plan before one sits and begins to write. Jotting down the ideas as they flow into the mind, helps. Once a series of ideas of have been jotted down, the next step is to organize them in proper sequence. With the availability of the internet, a writer could also do a quick research on his subject should there be a need, to make sure the facts in his essay or article are correct. There always exists a possibility of error.
Another key tip is to continuously read and re-read the sentences or paragraphs loudly, even if that requires reading it out to one’s cat. There are many times a sentence may be grammatically correct but may not just sound right to the ears. Re-reading allows for rephrasing a sentence which sometimes helps remove redundancy. Re-reading also allows for a better choice of words which carry the meaning intended thus giving the ideas a better flow, and punch.
Last but not the least; the writer must always keep the reader in view while writing. There are times when a writer himself understands his own thoughts and ideas but they may be difficult for the reader to comprehend. In such situations, the ideas need to be reworded, rephrased, or rewritten for purpose of clarity.
Remember, writing is an art!
PS: I am not a “native” speaker of the English language!