Nissan Altima is not a very popular car. The kilometer it had so far covered does not allow the engine to be in good condition. Usually, when a car has clocked so many kilometers, it is asking for serious maintenance. However, you can have the car checked at various computer shops in the city and they could tell you about the performance of the engine as well as other parts. The purchase also depends on your budget. Just think it over.
As for the earlier comment by someone, please ignore it. The person writes for the purpose of just writing, and has been doing so for many years.
Nissan Altima is not a very popular car. The kilometer it had so far covered does not allow the engine to be in good condition. Usually, when a car has clocked so many kilometers, it is asking for serious maintenance. However, you can have the car checked at various computer shops in the city and they could tell you about the performance of the engine as well as other parts. The purchase also depends on your budget. Just think it over.
As for the earlier comment by someone, please ignore it. The person writes for the purpose of just writing, and has been doing so for many years.