Analogical metaphors: Does one bad egg mean the entire dozen is bad? Globally, does terrorism equal all muslims? Locally does Doha news comments page equal all expatriates? In any nation, whether citizen or foreigner, people will have diverse opinions or information shared but it does not mean they do not stand in solidarity. I have been amused at some of these articles about how expatriates are being thanked for standing with Qatar and I cant help but wonder why people seem to think that this country functions differently to any other country. Back in South Africa, I had bosses who were ghastly and the same applies here in Qatar but its not because of the country, its because of personality, a global conundrum, that actually determines place in a community. Wehave the personalities who have to comment on every single news column till death kills their opinions and the one who has to make everyone's life a misery. Sadly the latter is almost instantly found in every single country across groups of people, not just in "expat" community. At any point in life a local can disagree with a local and an expat with an expat or a local and an expat and it will be over mundane things - but when the need arises, they will stand together because they are still part of one country, citizen or not.
Analogical metaphors: Does one bad egg mean the entire dozen is bad? Globally, does terrorism equal all muslims? Locally does Doha news comments page equal all expatriates? In any nation, whether citizen or foreigner, people will have diverse opinions or information shared but it does not mean they do not stand in solidarity. I have been amused at some of these articles about how expatriates are being thanked for standing with Qatar and I cant help but wonder why people seem to think that this country functions differently to any other country. Back in South Africa, I had bosses who were ghastly and the same applies here in Qatar but its not because of the country, its because of personality, a global conundrum, that actually determines place in a community. Wehave the personalities who have to comment on every single news column till death kills their opinions and the one who has to make everyone's life a misery. Sadly the latter is almost instantly found in every single country across groups of people, not just in "expat" community. At any point in life a local can disagree with a local and an expat with an expat or a local and an expat and it will be over mundane things - but when the need arises, they will stand together because they are still part of one country, citizen or not.