A nice word of appreciation is always a warmth whether its from a boss, or brother or even parents.
Thanks for the wonderful words and thoughts our dear ones !
We had planned our annual vacation as usual and it happened to be just after this incident.
Being in India this is the first time I was following so much on the news, not the worry, but how my home country is being so badly criticized and teased by other neighboring places and the patience of each and every citizen both local and expatriates not giving the slightest care but moving on with the same spirit of unity and love.
It was just only the strong confidence in our own leaders and ministers that brought each one of us to live,work and sleep peacefully.
I still have my courageous,bold and strong countrymen in communication and this gives a feeling that though we are miles are apart its just a smile that brings us together.
Wishing all the very best to see the best of Qatar as usual and always and for ever !!
Let peach love and joy be the only bond between all of us that no one can break.
A nice word of appreciation is always a warmth whether its from a boss, or brother or even parents.
Thanks for the wonderful words and thoughts our dear ones !
We had planned our annual vacation as usual and it happened to be just after this incident.
Being in India this is the first time I was following so much on the news, not the worry, but how my home country is being so badly criticized and teased by other neighboring places and the patience of each and every citizen both local and expatriates not giving the slightest care but moving on with the same spirit of unity and love.
It was just only the strong confidence in our own leaders and ministers that brought each one of us to live,work and sleep peacefully.
I still have my courageous,bold and strong countrymen in communication and this gives a feeling that though we are miles are apart its just a smile that brings us together.
Wishing all the very best to see the best of Qatar as usual and always and for ever !!
Let peach love and joy be the only bond between all of us that no one can break.
Thank you,