My biggest irritation is not the speeders or the flashing land cruisers; it is the losers who are on their mobile phones and the people who use service lanes to get ahead of traffic and then cut back in, right at the front at the traffic lights when they go green...i have seen countless accidents where the unsuspecting car/truck starts moving and hits these lane cutting losers as they suddenly cut in front... And sad thing is, there are never cops nearby when these people pull these selfish stunts.. Really, if someone that uses their phone or cuts into lanes is reading this, it is my pleasure to inform you that you are the lowest of the low human beings, you cause problems for other law abiding people trying to go about their daily lives and you steal the rights of others by jumping queues and cutting lanes... It may seem a minor thing but it still is violating the rights of others and god will ask you about it... Put your phone down and just drive and be nice to your fellow human beings you lowlife; you're not that important and if you were, you'd have a driver and you'd not be in such a hurry...