True, when school teachers take up private tuition work, they are out for the additional buck. This allows them to under-perform at their real job. It also leads favoritism in class as the teacher who is teaching outside school hours, will be naturally inclined to favour the child in the class who he or she is tutoring. The teacher will also provide the student high grades to impress the parents of the child's performance school. In that respect, I support the authorities on imposing a ban on school teachers doing private tuition work after school hours.
However, there are other sides to this issue which the authorities must also keep in in mind. In every school and each class, there are students who are slow learners. Such students do need some help at home always. That helps comes from tutors. Private tutors have the very great advantage over school teachers as they have a one-on-one contact with the child and are more aware of a students weak and strong qualities. Hence, the child gets what he or she missed at school and does not lag behind others. In the absence of a tutor to fill the gap in knowledge, the weakness remains in the child for life. Also, private tutors may not just provide knowledge from school books. The curious and inquisitive nature of children allows them to ask their tutors many questions which they may not be able to ask at school.
That is not all. There are many families especially those from the west, where both the husband and wife work at some office. Some jobs such as those in the airline industry, require a parent to be travelling frequently. Such parents just do not have the time to look into the progress of the child in school or give attention to his/her homework on a daily basis. It is here where the tutor's role comes in, and it is an important one.
The question then arise, "Why punish a child and prevent him/her from seeking knowledge and stay abreast just because some school teachers have gone into private tutoring to add something more to their pocket?" The authorities should look at all aspects before coming down with a whip. Let's not deny any child his or her right to proper education no matter how or where he or she gets it.
It is a fact that children are our tomorrow. Let's not destroy them today.