Mufti: The drunkards will be roaming the streets of Qatar during the games. You will witness street brawls after a game. Rate of accidents due to drunk-driving will multiply by hundreds. Wine bottles will get stashed concealed in warehouse only to re-emerge later in the black market. A point will come when you yourself will be screaming, "What is all this taking place in this peaceful city?" All because of the lifting of the ban on alcohol. The authorities will have too many other more important things to handle during the games than problems arising from this one single act of lifting the ban on alcohol.
Fans can enjoy the games and enjoy them even better without having a drink.
Mufti: The drunkards will be roaming the streets of Qatar during the games. You will witness street brawls after a game. Rate of accidents due to drunk-driving will multiply by hundreds. Wine bottles will get stashed concealed in warehouse only to re-emerge later in the black market. A point will come when you yourself will be screaming, "What is all this taking place in this peaceful city?" All because of the lifting of the ban on alcohol. The authorities will have too many other more important things to handle during the games than problems arising from this one single act of lifting the ban on alcohol.
Fans can enjoy the games and enjoy them even better without having a drink.