Hello everyone! Good day! My situation now is i think a bit complicated. Im done with prometric & dataflow. I applied for evaluation under my possible employer. Then the qchp sent it back asking for more experience because of 1 year & 10 months only, i knew they needed 2 yrs. I asked my emoloyer what to do & told me to just submit it again & i did then they approved it & it was under process again. I actually had other work experience that i wasnt able to had it dataflow because a lot of employers was telling me that work experience as nurse trainee is not qualified with dataflow. I did research & saw that it is allowed & recently knew that there is an office of dataflow so i went there to confirm. Then the dataflow personnel gladly accepted my other experience as nurse trainee which was 4 months & said that it is allowed, only volunteer is not considered. So i had that 4 months processed so that my experience would be total of 2 yrs & 2 months (i actually have another 5 months but it is not allowed already because it was more than 3 yrs ago) Then i was hoping that qchp wont make a final decision so that i could attach my additional 4 months. Unfortunately, qchp made a decision that i lack the experience to apply again & instructed to change my scope from general scope nurse to nurse trainee & attach a copy of license of a nurse that will supervise me. So i went to my employer, they gave me a copy, i followed the qchp's instruction then i wrote in the comment that i have an additional experience that is in process with dataflow & that i attached a scanned copy of the dataflow receipt. I was hoping that they might consider it. My qchp evaluation was under process again.

After waiting for a month the qchp sent a text message & an email that my evaluation is completed. I checked my qchp account & was completed but there was no comment from the evaluator whether how many months i will go under training? I called my employer & talked to the medical director & told me that its okay already that they will call me back after eid to start my medical exams, blood works, etc... i asked if the report said anything about training for how many months? The medical director said, no..it was not mentioned. It is okay.

My question here is, will i go for training or will i be working as nurse already? (how will i know if i will go under training as nurse trainee & for how long) Or if it means that the qchp evaluator considered my additional attachment & did not require training for me anymore?

I have not seen my final report yet with the employer, will get it this week. But for now i really want to hear opinions because i am confused & i dont know what to expect. I checked my qchp account & the Current Status says Evaluation Completed. Then i click on the last row, the Comments. There are no comments from the qchp evaluator. I also tried clicking the highlightened word Evaluation Completed then a box appeared

Evaluation Decision: Pending for Evaluations documents
Evaluation Comments: --(blank)--
Attachments: --(blank)--

Is that something i should worry about? Or does it mean nothing? Or if its for the next steps?

A big Thank You! For responding to this. I really need enlightenment. I dont know any nurse here so i really dont know the process & what to really expect. My employer is nice but it has been giving me a hard time to communicate with them, i get different answers from their staffs who talk to me & came to a point when i asked what to do, the staff told me.."i dont know. What to do next after that?" It got me worried & disappointed for them not knowing the process properly.