miwat: Yes, you can get another one and you don't need to worry on this. Report the matter to your company's HR and the mandoob (PRO) knows the steps of getting you a new one. Meanwhile, keep a photocopy of the ID with you at all times in case the authorities carry out a checking.
Please overlook the above comment. Some people write for the sake of writing giving false hopes to people in difficulties and get some sort of an enjoyment in doing so.
miwat: Yes, you can get another one and you don't need to worry on this. Report the matter to your company's HR and the mandoob (PRO) knows the steps of getting you a new one. Meanwhile, keep a photocopy of the ID with you at all times in case the authorities carry out a checking.
Please overlook the above comment. Some people write for the sake of writing giving false hopes to people in difficulties and get some sort of an enjoyment in doing so.