Dear Shabeeb: An African proverb says "twenty people CANNOT be together for twenty years". Your experience is a lesson for all. It should not deter you for making expat as friends rather it should be a thing of joy when you remember the beautiful moments shared.
While you miss your cronies, they miss you too. No technology can replace physical communication with buddies. However life is in stages, we would not always have the time to seat at the beach at 2am as fatherhood and other responsibility calls.
I share your pain brother but the reality is the only truth. You are great to make expat as close friends and will be greater to do all you can to keep them. There is a further greatest step you need to take which is to make more expat friends despite your experience as "we are all expats in this space called earth, and we all return to the maker one day".
have a great day
Dear Shabeeb: An African proverb says "twenty people CANNOT be together for twenty years". Your experience is a lesson for all. It should not deter you for making expat as friends rather it should be a thing of joy when you remember the beautiful moments shared.
While you miss your cronies, they miss you too. No technology can replace physical communication with buddies. However life is in stages, we would not always have the time to seat at the beach at 2am as fatherhood and other responsibility calls.
I share your pain brother but the reality is the only truth. You are great to make expat as close friends and will be greater to do all you can to keep them. There is a further greatest step you need to take which is to make more expat friends despite your experience as "we are all expats in this space called earth, and we all return to the maker one day".
have a great day