The contents presented here were useful and very informative, but Mr. Mary Vani, forced the discussion to tilt and land in the biased mode, despite many attempts to prevent its wavering direction.
Yes, you are right the purpose of contents should be meaningful and EGOLESS, so that the countries under discussion, get to know the grass root level sentiments directly from the horse mouth.
However we would be miser if we do not appreciate the valuable inputs of particularly Mr. Mary, Mufti, AB, MM, Mohamed, Brit, Zain and WT etc.
The contents presented here were useful and very informative, but Mr. Mary Vani, forced the discussion to tilt and land in the biased mode, despite many attempts to prevent its wavering direction.
Yes, you are right the purpose of contents should be meaningful and EGOLESS, so that the countries under discussion, get to know the grass root level sentiments directly from the horse mouth.
However we would be miser if we do not appreciate the valuable inputs of particularly Mr. Mary, Mufti, AB, MM, Mohamed, Brit, Zain and WT etc.
Thank you all.