Mary Vani,

Your comments and opinions seem bias and tilted against Pakistan, which is contrary to the historical and ground facts. United India was ruled by Mughals till 1857 and then by the Britishers. Before that India was not a country rather thousands of local Rajas had their small kingdoms. That was not India.

And further head back to Harrapan/Mohenjodaro history that only founded the Ganga and Jamuna society. So, Indus valley people are the real owners of sub continents if you take the ownership case to the root of history. But it is a modern day and Pakistan is now a formidable nuclear power. It would never never and never budge down by India. The fighting spirit of Pak Army is unbelievable and un-matching in the entire world.
And do not forget the prediction of prophet of Islam, who said that before the world's final dooms day, there WILL happen a "War on Hind".