It appears that Kashmir could once again become the flash point for another devastating war between India and Pakistan. The word "devastating" now carries greater weight than before as both countries are nuclear powers. A solution to the problem of Kashmir through talks is just a pipe dream. So many of them have taken place over the past six decades. Yet the deadlock continues to remain.

India, as it appears now, has gone on overdrive to put Pakistan "in order." It has four consulates and an embassy working in Afghanistan where there are hardly any Indian nationals present, while it has just a High Commission and a consulate in the UK where thousands of Indians live. This definitely raises questions on the function of these consulates in Afghanistan. Pakistan believes India is involved in fomenting the current unrest in Baluchistan just the way it did in East Pakistan. Just recently Pakistan claims to have arrested an Indian spy in Baluchistan. Add to it, the rapidly expanding of India's war machinery. It is perceived India would soon be having a blue-water navy. Then, after decades it has managed to get the US on its side which wants India to keep an "eye on China." The Chaubahar port which India is developing in Iran could be another step to keep a watchful eye on Pakistan as it is being built at a stones throw distance from the Pakistani port of Gawadar.

Pakistan with its limited resources and being a smaller country in size area wise, may not in a position to match India's rapid expansion of its army, navy and air force and its firepower. Its only defence lies in deterrence.

The question of the hour is: Will Pakistan be able to sustain any Indian attack in future should it ever take place?

In view of the developing world politics, Pakistan will eventually forced to fight a defensive war holding on to the territory it now occupies. The question of it getting the Kashmiris their independence through the use of force does not arise. If the Kashmiris want their freedom from the yolk of Indian hegemony, they will need to stand up for themselves and one they have achieved this, they can then decide which country they would align to.

In such a scenario with Pakistan confronting India's superior firepower, it may be forced to roll out its nuclear arsenal to defend itself. As Pakistan's ex-president Pervez Musharraf recently commented that Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is not for fireworks.That will definitely invite retaliation from India. It will be then that the world powers along with sane nations across the world would step in to solve the outstanding issues between the two countries.

No one would like to see another Hiroshima and Nagasaki.