I am sure that my admirers on this site were worried about me and thought I would drive all the way to the Emporium to find it closed. As one of the Emporiums top customers ( why only last year I got the King Robert Award for Megga Consumption by any one individual ! ) I decided that some of my strangely brown respondents where taking the Mickey I called the Emporium using a telephone and therefore did not have to drive all that way. They delivered.
I am sure that my admirers on this site were worried about me and thought I would drive all the way to the Emporium to find it closed. As one of the Emporiums top customers ( why only last year I got the King Robert Award for Megga Consumption by any one individual ! ) I decided that some of my strangely brown respondents where taking the Mickey I called the Emporium using a telephone and therefore did not have to drive all that way. They delivered.