The Labour Office is very helpful in solving such matters. If you have a legalized contract they can compel your company to pay you all your dues along with your flight ticket back home. The system of lodging a case is very simple and usually the hearing takes place the very next working day. If you need any advice on how to go about lodging a case at the Labour Office, PM me and I will tell you. However, keep going to a lawyer as a last resort as it will cost you and will take time to get a verdict from the Court.
The Labour Office is very helpful in solving such matters. If you have a legalized contract they can compel your company to pay you all your dues along with your flight ticket back home. The system of lodging a case is very simple and usually the hearing takes place the very next working day. If you need any advice on how to go about lodging a case at the Labour Office, PM me and I will tell you. However, keep going to a lawyer as a last resort as it will cost you and will take time to get a verdict from the Court.