The non-functioning of air conditioners in worker's buses is a major problem in some companies as it costs to repair and the companies are not willing to spend money. The big bosses who travel in Mercedes and Land Cruisers do not suffer. There are companies who do not wish to spend even to replace the damaged windshield wipers of their buses. When it rains, the poor drivers suffer. If the bus lands up in any accident, of course "it is the driver's fault" and the cost of damages get deducted from his salaries. The wipers do get replaced then as the driver has paid for them! If MM believes "employers are like our fathers" he is blind to the realities on the ground as he lives in his own "philosophical world."
The non-functioning of air conditioners in worker's buses is a major problem in some companies as it costs to repair and the companies are not willing to spend money. The big bosses who travel in Mercedes and Land Cruisers do not suffer. There are companies who do not wish to spend even to replace the damaged windshield wipers of their buses. When it rains, the poor drivers suffer. If the bus lands up in any accident, of course "it is the driver's fault" and the cost of damages get deducted from his salaries. The wipers do get replaced then as the driver has paid for them! If MM believes "employers are like our fathers" he is blind to the realities on the ground as he lives in his own "philosophical world."