Britexpat: The world is full of all sorts of people. All of them are not good or "holy.". Many are simply wild animals. They would go to any extent to achieve their goals even to such a low level as in this case. Such people are present in all societies and in all countries. The general rule is that one must learn to protect himself and this rule becomes all the more important when it applies to females. When one purposely walks into fire, he or she would definitely get burnt. The girl went out at 1 AM for "fun." Got more than she expected. I am not in any way supporting those who behaved like "wild animals" and they should no doubt be given the punishment they deserve, but I am also blaming the girl as to why she lay the ground in the first place to allow for such a thing to take place.
Britexpat: The world is full of all sorts of people. All of them are not good or "holy.". Many are simply wild animals. They would go to any extent to achieve their goals even to such a low level as in this case. Such people are present in all societies and in all countries. The general rule is that one must learn to protect himself and this rule becomes all the more important when it applies to females. When one purposely walks into fire, he or she would definitely get burnt. The girl went out at 1 AM for "fun." Got more than she expected. I am not in any way supporting those who behaved like "wild animals" and they should no doubt be given the punishment they deserve, but I am also blaming the girl as to why she lay the ground in the first place to allow for such a thing to take place.