Perdian: The back of every school bus says "frequent stopping"; we live in a crowded city with roads in constant and varying states of repair... Instead of complaining, I suggest you treat school buses with the same respect and caution as a fire truck or ambulance... Many ambulance drivers are jerks and use their sirens to clear the way for themselves, even when there's no patient inside... And we have no option but to move... So let the driver be a jerk and remember there's children in that bus... Never ever overtake a stopped school bus...
Perdian: The back of every school bus says "frequent stopping"; we live in a crowded city with roads in constant and varying states of repair... Instead of complaining, I suggest you treat school buses with the same respect and caution as a fire truck or ambulance... Many ambulance drivers are jerks and use their sirens to clear the way for themselves, even when there's no patient inside... And we have no option but to move... So let the driver be a jerk and remember there's children in that bus... Never ever overtake a stopped school bus...