You will need the assistance of a lawyer to advise you best in your case. It may be somewhat costly for you if you decide to hire a lawyer. But it will definitely not take several years. Possibly, you may be able to get a court verdict within just six months but only a lawyer could advise you on this. Also, there is no such thing as "stoning a person to death" in Qatar or any of the Middle Eastern or Muslim countries. Those who make such statements simply reflect the venom they carry in their blood against Islam and the Muslims, and this not the first time such people have expressed their outright hatred openly.
You will need the assistance of a lawyer to advise you best in your case. It may be somewhat costly for you if you decide to hire a lawyer. But it will definitely not take several years. Possibly, you may be able to get a court verdict within just six months but only a lawyer could advise you on this. Also, there is no such thing as "stoning a person to death" in Qatar or any of the Middle Eastern or Muslim countries. Those who make such statements simply reflect the venom they carry in their blood against Islam and the Muslims, and this not the first time such people have expressed their outright hatred openly.