Khan: I can kind of see where you're coming from...a few years back, i wouldn't have agreed, but i do feel there is now a pretty widespread global agenda against Islam...I see it in the West and I see it in my own country...even if you srt Islam aside, any rational person will concede that the West has no business meddling in these Arab countries...their own people want the wars to stop...but its all down to oil primarily i feel...the middle east has to be kept unstable for oil prices to remain either stir up religious conflict or straight out bomb the hell out of the oil countries...the west and its allies are criminal, any fair person will agree...
However, khan, muslims are not blameless either...the rulers are self serving and unjust and the people have deviated from the TRUE islam...another thing, god tells us that when hardship afflicts us, it is either punishment or a we need to first analyse whether we have done anything to deserve punishment...only if we deeply feel we havent, can we then take it as a test...i feel you are misdirecting your anger at the obamas...the problem is basically capitalist greed vs religion..all religion...theyve pretty much destroyed christianity in the west and want islam wont be able to hear the vile things ive heard them say about their own bible and their own prophet who we too revere so is not world against islam...its capitalism against god and islam is the current agenda...but those who belive in the one god know only he lets be patient, look at ourselves and leave the bigger picture to god...the west, IS, Muslim leaders and all these murderers are gods creation too and will stand before him too...take it easy man....
Khan: I can kind of see where you're coming from...a few years back, i wouldn't have agreed, but i do feel there is now a pretty widespread global agenda against Islam...I see it in the West and I see it in my own country...even if you srt Islam aside, any rational person will concede that the West has no business meddling in these Arab countries...their own people want the wars to stop...but its all down to oil primarily i feel...the middle east has to be kept unstable for oil prices to remain either stir up religious conflict or straight out bomb the hell out of the oil countries...the west and its allies are criminal, any fair person will agree...
However, khan, muslims are not blameless either...the rulers are self serving and unjust and the people have deviated from the TRUE islam...another thing, god tells us that when hardship afflicts us, it is either punishment or a we need to first analyse whether we have done anything to deserve punishment...only if we deeply feel we havent, can we then take it as a test...i feel you are misdirecting your anger at the obamas...the problem is basically capitalist greed vs religion..all religion...theyve pretty much destroyed christianity in the west and want islam wont be able to hear the vile things ive heard them say about their own bible and their own prophet who we too revere so is not world against islam...its capitalism against god and islam is the current agenda...but those who belive in the one god know only he lets be patient, look at ourselves and leave the bigger picture to god...the west, IS, Muslim leaders and all these murderers are gods creation too and will stand before him too...take it easy man....