Sorry to say, apart from all good work from authorities, they dont come on ground level and see the practicality of the rules they make, hence all rules but no implementation.

Lets take my practical MES school bus example, From many, lets take 3 example...

1-The drivers must also prevent children from standing while the bus is in motion.
2-They must make sure that the bus doors are closed firmly before moving.
3-They should make sure that the children getting off the bus are at a place of safety before moving on.

1-I drop my kid, everyday, In my case, as soon as last student gets in the bus, the driver accelerates the bus. kids walk towards their seat while bus is in motion everyday, just because, driver cannot wait 20 secs, till kids sit down.)
Believe me, i have seen, kids geting in moving bus (last kid only), as driver assumes the last kid has holded the handle means he got in the bus... and he accelerates.
2-The door is open mostly when bus is coming to zero speed or leaving stop.
3-Kids are dropped at heavily construction area, driver says its your problem not mine.

Point 2 is not very unsafe, but 1 and 3 are mostly unsafe.

We wish all the rules stated above were forced and we were more safe.