If you are getting frustrated of not being able to find a private foster home for your cat -- after putting in your best efforts -- then SET HIM FREE! My former neighbor had a beautiful pure breed cat but didn't take good care of her, so their furry pet stowed away. She (the neglected pet) has been living off the streets as a "stray animal" together with other similar cats for almost a year now. And guess what! She looks untidy, but she is healthier since running away from her uncaring owners. By their innate natural instincts, cats (and even mere kittens) generally move on with their lives regardless of the environmental conditions they face day by day. Prior to developing wild, they were domesticated and they eventually learn to adapt to the harsh homeless conditions. Thus, fasilasaid, I just hope that whatever you decide to be your kitty's fate, please try all and any means -- except putting him down. Your cat will survive in the "urban jungle" at the end of the day...and every day thereafter!