If you talk to your company at this point of time about moving over to another company, you will lose this job as well as the job offer from the other company. Your company will most possibly send you home without NOC and you will not be able to get a job here for another two years. Just keep your head down, work with dedication at the job you have in hand and be happy with what you are getting now. Also, as britexpat has mentioned, completing your contract does not guarantee a NOC. Your company may refuse to give you one even after you complete the contract.
If you talk to your company at this point of time about moving over to another company, you will lose this job as well as the job offer from the other company. Your company will most possibly send you home without NOC and you will not be able to get a job here for another two years. Just keep your head down, work with dedication at the job you have in hand and be happy with what you are getting now. Also, as britexpat has mentioned, completing your contract does not guarantee a NOC. Your company may refuse to give you one even after you complete the contract.