Mallat: You are a wise and intelligent person who looks at the ground realities and does not get carried away by what other people say. While in the Middle East the western passport holder has an edge over eastern passport holder, even if the westerners are not good at their jobs, the salary demand as advised by Wild Turkey is a figure hardly any one would offer you. But then as I had stated in my earlier post, that is how western nationals look at things. A person from the east with your qualifications and experience would be happy working at your position at QR 25000. However, since you are holding a western passport, possibly the offer you may be getting should be around QR 35000. Try for a company-provided accommodation as this will save you from much hassle in finding one and then furnishing it. On the other hand, you may be able to find a two-bedroom decent apartment within QR 10000. Add another 2500 for your household expenses, 1500 for your car if you own one, 3500 for your children's schooling, and another 2000 for your miscellaneous expenses and hopefully the rest should be in your pocket. However, the above figures are a general estimate and it all depends on your own lifestyle. The figure I have stated for your apartment is for accommodation where many Doha residents live and not for an apartment in those areas where the "white elephants" reside.