Motiv8er: Sixty years back what you have stated may have been true. However, things have changed since then. Just look around your with an open mind. China, Malaysia, India, Pakistan are countries where the white man from the west who you term as "the best," is no longer needed or even seen around. These countries have stood up on their own feet and have demonstrated to the world they are equally good if not better than people from the west. That "aura" of people from the west being superior and the "best" as you claim, has long faded away. It is only here that it still lingers on but the locals are gradually wakening up to the realities. I have worked with many westerners in the Middle East and k-n-o-w how good they are. A British maintenance engineer at the plant I was attached to, did not get his contract renewed after the first year. This was also true in the case with a Warehouse Manager from Great Britain. The Saudi management of the company were cursing themselves for hiring this WM and heaved sigh of relief when his contract ended. Just last month QL saw a post from a "teacher" in England who has been offered a job at Al Jazeerah Academy. The "teacher" whose native language is English, could not write even four lines in English correctly! Even the subject line of his post carried a grammatical error. My company here hired a GM from Britain who was being paid QR 50,000. He was sent home during his probation period.
He was not worth his salt!