As per the logic of Wild Turkey, it is okay for a native English speaker such as Tony Blair and the US Vice President Dan Quayle to make "stupid" mistakes in English spellings which even a schoolchild would not be making. Of course it is their language and of course they have right to call any errors in English as being correct. Mr Wild Turkey makes a vain attempt to defend the two leaders by putting up a very feeble defense claiming they are politicians and not lawyers and as such are not supposed to know English words and their correct spellings. Ha! Ha! Surely, his logic is beyond one's comprehension. However when an Arab national whose native language is not English erroneously uses the word "latitudeā instead of "altitude," Mr Wild Turkey's guns are quick to go blazing from their turrets.
As per the logic of Wild Turkey, it is okay for a native English speaker such as Tony Blair and the US Vice President Dan Quayle to make "stupid" mistakes in English spellings which even a schoolchild would not be making. Of course it is their language and of course they have right to call any errors in English as being correct. Mr Wild Turkey makes a vain attempt to defend the two leaders by putting up a very feeble defense claiming they are politicians and not lawyers and as such are not supposed to know English words and their correct spellings. Ha! Ha! Surely, his logic is beyond one's comprehension. However when an Arab national whose native language is not English erroneously uses the word "latitudeā instead of "altitude," Mr Wild Turkey's guns are quick to go blazing from their turrets.