fathima_hamna: If the top management is of Christians or Hindus, an email to them would have no effect. In fact it would give happiness internally that the had successfully hurt a person. I have faced this discrimination at two interviews here. At the first interview, the HR was not advised of my arrival for over 30 minutes since the lady receptionist saw I did not have a "flat nose." The "late arrival" went against me. The second interview went very well even with the MD and I was heading for toward getting appointed. But then just when I was moving out of that office, a driver with a "flat nose" approached me very quietly and very politely asked me, "Sir, are you a Christian?" I did not get the job! I just wish the Muslims would wake up now, unite and help other Muslims get jobs irrespective of nationality. Yes, if the government puts in a law that HR departments in all companies must be managed by Muslims, the Mafia of non-Muslim groups will face a setback in their plans and actions and may even collapse.
fathima_hamna: If the top management is of Christians or Hindus, an email to them would have no effect. In fact it would give happiness internally that the had successfully hurt a person. I have faced this discrimination at two interviews here. At the first interview, the HR was not advised of my arrival for over 30 minutes since the lady receptionist saw I did not have a "flat nose." The "late arrival" went against me. The second interview went very well even with the MD and I was heading for toward getting appointed. But then just when I was moving out of that office, a driver with a "flat nose" approached me very quietly and very politely asked me, "Sir, are you a Christian?" I did not get the job! I just wish the Muslims would wake up now, unite and help other Muslims get jobs irrespective of nationality. Yes, if the government puts in a law that HR departments in all companies must be managed by Muslims, the Mafia of non-Muslim groups will face a setback in their plans and actions and may even collapse.