It is always advisable here to use accommodation provided by the company. It saves you from much headache of getting one on rent. As for the package, if you plan on staying here on single status, you will be spending around QR 1500 for your meals and another QR 2000 on miscellaneous requirements. This would however go up if you get your family here. For a person from the east, this would be considered a good package. But westerners have their own lifestyles and it is only you who could decide best keeping in mind your other requirements of living.
It is always advisable here to use accommodation provided by the company. It saves you from much headache of getting one on rent. As for the package, if you plan on staying here on single status, you will be spending around QR 1500 for your meals and another QR 2000 on miscellaneous requirements. This would however go up if you get your family here. For a person from the east, this would be considered a good package. But westerners have their own lifestyles and it is only you who could decide best keeping in mind your other requirements of living.