Congratulations !! and Well Done.. Keep up the good work and root out all the bacterias & viruses in this prosperous nation with an IRON FIST. Expatriates BEWARE !! Do not try to bring in the corruption scenarios from the home countries and DO NOT dare try to make a fast buck. 'Love of money is the root of ALL evils'. Please Confiscate all their wealth here and in their hometowns..
Congratulations !! and Well Done.. Keep up the good work and root out all the bacterias & viruses in this prosperous nation with an IRON FIST. Expatriates BEWARE !! Do not try to bring in the corruption scenarios from the home countries and DO NOT dare try to make a fast buck. 'Love of money is the root of ALL evils'. Please Confiscate all their wealth here and in their hometowns..