Wunae: Stories are stories and some human minds are very good at making them up. Incidents such that you have stated may have taken place but then as long as there are humans around they will continue to occur. That is why laws are made to take care of wild acts in any society. Such incidents as the one you have mentioned which are rare in this part of the world, cannot be used as a yardstick to tarnish the image of nations that carry a very clean record and maintain a low-level crime rate in their countries. Qatar and Saudi Arabia are two such countries. You will note I did not mention a zero-level in my statement above. Nor did I comment about any other country in the region as I have never been to any of them and my views may be way of the mark. Sorry to say, your views and opinions about this region are as biased as those of several other people who live here, enjoy each day of their life in peace and tranquility, take home a hefty paycheck each month, and then turn around and write out remarks which spew nothing but hatred and venom in their hearts about this region, its people and culture, customs and traditions, moral and religious values.
Wunae: Stories are stories and some human minds are very good at making them up. Incidents such that you have stated may have taken place but then as long as there are humans around they will continue to occur. That is why laws are made to take care of wild acts in any society. Such incidents as the one you have mentioned which are rare in this part of the world, cannot be used as a yardstick to tarnish the image of nations that carry a very clean record and maintain a low-level crime rate in their countries. Qatar and Saudi Arabia are two such countries. You will note I did not mention a zero-level in my statement above. Nor did I comment about any other country in the region as I have never been to any of them and my views may be way of the mark. Sorry to say, your views and opinions about this region are as biased as those of several other people who live here, enjoy each day of their life in peace and tranquility, take home a hefty paycheck each month, and then turn around and write out remarks which spew nothing but hatred and venom in their hearts about this region, its people and culture, customs and traditions, moral and religious values.