There is a great possibility that you will lose your job on your return. You now have the choice of either following your company's requests or simply quitting the job. While in S Arabia, I worked for a manpower supply company that had all employees (100%) from Kerala in the office. All of them were also from a different religion and nationality to that of mine. I was working at a major plant construction site. The company management hired a Keralite and "begged me" to train the person telling me that I would help change the life of a very poor man and God will bless me for my act. I trained the man giving him everything I had acquired over my years of experience, not allowing any national or religious barriers to come in between. Yes, once he got trained and acquired the confidence of running the place independently, I lost my job and they sent me back to my country. That is how I got paid back. However, as shairabu has stated, if you have the skills in hand and the confidence, you will soon find another better place to work. Talent, skills and experience are always in good demand. But then getting a job takes time and you will be suffering when you are out of employment. Then, if the company sends you home without NOC, you are unable to return to Qatar for a couple of years. You could play safe by adopting a "go slow" method, teaching the new person just 60% of the job till you reach the time for you to proceed on vacation. Sometimes in life, one needs to be selfish to protect his own interests, especially when it comes to one's livelihood.