If a car has burst into flames it could be due to a variety of reasons other than just the summer heat. The vehicle could have overheated for example, due to lack of water in the radiator or a malfunction of the fan while the driver did not pay attention to the rising temperature gauge and continued to drive on. True the summer heat does support fires, but many of them could be prevented from taking place by giving a little individual attention and taking some safety steps. For example, I have noticed that at many places especially in residences, people allow the exhaust fans in toilets and kitchens to run non-stop for months on end. Their belief is that the exhaust fans allow for air circulation and thus remove fumes and smell. Many are unaware that these fans run on a bearing and after a period of time, the bearing of these fans jam when it has outlived it's service life. The fan then stops working, but the power continues to flow in leading to over-heating of the motor and eventually a fire breaking out. Residents should either switch off exhaust fans when they are not needed and save on power, or they could have exhaust fans replaced periodically. A second cause of fires could be the air conditioners which do not get serviced for months on end, may be even years. It happens in accommodations shared by several people where everybody thinks "it is not my job." This not only affects the performance of these machines but also result in fires. All that is required is for each and everybody to play a responsible role and take a little safety precaution at their place of residence. Remember: Safety is something not just for job sites and for Safety people to take care of. It is also for the homes. Take safety steps at home also. It is e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e's responsibility. JUST DON'T WAIT FOR THE WORST TO HAPPEN!