You have to decide what is good and economical for you. Lucky as you are not dealing with an agent but with the landlord directly and must abide by his terms & conditions. There is no fixed threshold yet, as everyone wants to 'make hay while the sun shines'. Only 2 options available ie. Negotiate with him explaining him your problems and if he considers then fine, otherwise look for a change which will cost you money, time, energy etc. My friend was paying 4.5 K and this year it rose to 7.5 K. He spoke to the concerned then they finalized for 6.5 K. So try your luck..
You have to decide what is good and economical for you. Lucky as you are not dealing with an agent but with the landlord directly and must abide by his terms & conditions. There is no fixed threshold yet, as everyone wants to 'make hay while the sun shines'. Only 2 options available ie. Negotiate with him explaining him your problems and if he considers then fine, otherwise look for a change which will cost you money, time, energy etc. My friend was paying 4.5 K and this year it rose to 7.5 K. He spoke to the concerned then they finalized for 6.5 K. So try your luck..