A single bedroom unfurnished apartment can be found within 2000 QR. If it is fully furnished, the cost may be around QR 4500 per month. If you cook at home, you can manage easily within QR 600. The cost of transportation varies with your choice and the frequency. There are buses operated by Karwa and they charge you QR 3 from destination to another irrespective of distance. If yo use a taxi service to get to work and back it will cost you around QR 1200 but maintaining your own vehicle would prove much cheaper. As for your query about the minimum salary required, it depends from job to job, from individual to individual, and from level of "comfort" to level of "comfort" desired.
A single bedroom unfurnished apartment can be found within 2000 QR. If it is fully furnished, the cost may be around QR 4500 per month. If you cook at home, you can manage easily within QR 600. The cost of transportation varies with your choice and the frequency. There are buses operated by Karwa and they charge you QR 3 from destination to another irrespective of distance. If yo use a taxi service to get to work and back it will cost you around QR 1200 but maintaining your own vehicle would prove much cheaper. As for your query about the minimum salary required, it depends from job to job, from individual to individual, and from level of "comfort" to level of "comfort" desired.