I had a very bad experience with this company, i bough a Nissan Armada 2006 model, and they brought it in to the service center in industrial area to fix the multimedia, they had made very bad accident on my car, they didn't even inform me, i knew it from the Al khaled Insurance company when i renew it my insurance for 3rd party that the person on the registration told me why i am ganna renew my car for 3rd party he said had accident, that time i was curious why my car had an accident and i didn't do it or happened, am the only person who were driving my car, i was curious i went to the police station and verify with them, and police officer said yes it is had an accident in the company service, he printed it to me the report, in short i rise up a complained to the court, I still had all the policy report copies, Cheating, service manager supervisor, mechanic,