The crucial thing when you go for buying a new car is, they never disclose the pre-registered car to the customer until it is registered on customer name. How does the customer know whether it is new or second ? The ministry department can open website for checking car chassis and engine number such a way to identify a car is really new or second and when exactly imported in Qatar, if required they can charge a nominal fee. It is surprise to see such a giant auto dealer doing the nasty things to their customer. Shame !!!!
The crucial thing when you go for buying a new car is, they never disclose the pre-registered car to the customer until it is registered on customer name. How does the customer know whether it is new or second ? The ministry department can open website for checking car chassis and engine number such a way to identify a car is really new or second and when exactly imported in Qatar, if required they can charge a nominal fee. It is surprise to see such a giant auto dealer doing the nasty things to their customer. Shame !!!!