If you want to pay new price for very sturdy shipping boxes, try the cargo company on the west corner of the B-Ring Road - Al Matar Street Intersection. They have very sturdy shipping boxes for reasonable prices. For the record, if anyone is looking for large woven polyethylene cargo bags, you can get them at a few hardware shops in Souq Waqif. Please let me know if better prices for these bags might be found in the industrial area.
If you want to pay new price for very sturdy shipping boxes, try the cargo company on the west corner of the B-Ring Road - Al Matar Street Intersection. They have very sturdy shipping boxes for reasonable prices. For the record, if anyone is looking for large woven polyethylene cargo bags, you can get them at a few hardware shops in Souq Waqif. Please let me know if better prices for these bags might be found in the industrial area.