Hello, I'm @ evaluation stage, when I checked online it says completed but result pending evaluation of documents. I did not attach a COGS from PRC yet, I recently ask my relative to process it on behalf of me. I have a 2+ yrs break of practice due to motherhood. It took 1 month for the SCH to complete my evaluation plus more than 2 wks now pending evaluation of documents. My question is why it took them too long to decide for my papers is it because I did not send a COGS from PRC yet? I'm confuse because I thought COGS is submitted during licensing stage and not during evaluation stage so I recently request to PRC only. But SCH they not told to send a COGS they only contact my employer to send a new photo. Does COGS must be sent during evaluation stage or licensing stage? Is it because I did not send a COGS thats why my evaluation result is pending Or is it because of my break of practice the reason for result delay? Thanks.
Hello, I'm @ evaluation stage, when I checked online it says completed but result pending evaluation of documents. I did not attach a COGS from PRC yet, I recently ask my relative to process it on behalf of me. I have a 2+ yrs break of practice due to motherhood. It took 1 month for the SCH to complete my evaluation plus more than 2 wks now pending evaluation of documents. My question is why it took them too long to decide for my papers is it because I did not send a COGS from PRC yet? I'm confuse because I thought COGS is submitted during licensing stage and not during evaluation stage so I recently request to PRC only. But SCH they not told to send a COGS they only contact my employer to send a new photo. Does COGS must be sent during evaluation stage or licensing stage? Is it because I did not send a COGS thats why my evaluation result is pending Or is it because of my break of practice the reason for result delay? Thanks.