we understand bro...but what i meant was .... da day u was terminated u shuld have gone to the labor courts if you have not done anything wrong... they will help you there is one in front of gulf times in hilal......because they cannnot terminate a contract for the reason your not up to standard dats y companies allowed a probation period...tto check on you they cant just terminate a contract if u pass that stated probation time in your contract... they have to pay you compensation......
we understand bro...but what i meant was .... da day u was terminated u shuld have gone to the labor courts if you have not done anything wrong... they will help you there is one in front of gulf times in hilal......because they cannnot terminate a contract for the reason your not up to standard dats y companies allowed a probation period...tto check on you they cant just terminate a contract if u pass that stated probation time in your contract... they have to pay you compensation......