khalli: i know you're being your usual sarcastic self lol, but that logic is like those who say television leads to rapes; but yes, the people i hate most on the roads are the ones who use their phone. The 6000 rial fine should be reserved for phone users, it is the single most dangerous act on the roads I say. You guys won't believe this, last weekend, on Salwa road, I was driving in front of a Lekhwiya cruiser, both of us doing well above the speed limit since its 3am and open road; my Dad called and in my eagerness to speak to him, I pulled of the road and stopped on the shoulder maybe a bit too suddenly; these cops thought that was weird and actually reversed back to where I stopped; by this time my Dad had hung up; here's the funny bit; when I told them why I stopped at 3am like that; they WOULD NOT believe me and actually checked the car and my Mountain Dew can for signs of alcohol lol...he actually told me that he thinks there isn't a single person in Doha who would pull over for a call...but they were friendly enough and went on their merry way after a few laughs; but there's something to be said for how prevalent it is this phone nonsense...