It was only yesterday a young man walked up to me telling me that he has been out of work and that he very was hungry. It was clear from his face the person was in real need. Putting aside all barriers of nationality, cast, color or creed, I helped him out in whatever way I could. Later, it made me think how many of such genuinely needy people are around in Qatar. One could easily asses this from the long lines seen at various camps during Ramadhan where free meals are offered. This single step of free food shelves, and possibly the first of its kind in the country to provide free food to the hungry, will definitely go a long way to help out such people. More of such outlets would help reduce the sufferings of the needy. Surely, Supermarkets which are minting money, could put up such shelves where food which is almost near expiry could be kept for free disposing off. This act would fill the empty stomachs of humans rather than that of trash cans. My hats off to the outlet that has taken this noble step of setting up of free food shelves.