paulobanez: Thanks for checking. I was thinking maybe the parts would be 20 to 30 percent more expensive, but not 325 percent more. Is 3570QR just the price for parts, or does that include labor as well? I found out yesterday that here in the UAE 850AED is for a Delphi AC compressor (made in China), which was originally installed in my car in 2004 at the Holden/Chevrolet manufacturer in Australia. A General Motors AC compressor will cost 1800AED. There are some other things that must be replaced along with the compressor: O-rings, receiver/filter, and valve. I know someone here in Al Ain who will do all the work for 300AED; I just buy all the parts for about
1220 AED. In the U.S., you go to a mechanic and pay the price he offers; he provides the parts from his supplier, and you accept his markup on the parts. Here in the UAE, you go to a mechanic; he tells you what parts you need, and then you go to the auto parts shop of your choice to buy the parts. With most mechanics in Doha, can you also supply your own parts and pay for just the labor? I know it sounds strange to buy auto parts from China, but it seems that many cars today may be manufactured with "OEM" parts manufactured in China: Did you find out how much the compressor is for your 2009 Nissan Tiida?
khalliwalli and mast kalander: I've got to come. The deal has been made and the ink has dried. Housing, utilities,and child's education expenses are covered; the latter two have not been covered in the UAE. I'm expecting only food to be more expensive, but I am surprised by the high price for the AC repair. But, to be fair, the equivalent of about 2700QR would probably be the price for professional warrantied service in either the U.S. or Australia.
Pappu_Pager: Are you saying that many mechanics in Doha try to raise the price by changing things that don't need to be changed?

Thanks for the responses.