This is really very sad at the very least. There are numerous verses in holy Quran and many ahadeeth against wasteful spending. For example, verse 31 in surah Al-Aaraaf. (7/31). But even without quoting Quran and Hadith, there are plenty of reasons we should stay far away from such waste of food. One of the most important lessons of Ramadan is the ability to relate to our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate. It is very much the spirit of Ramadan is to arrange food for others so one could get more reward. Instead, we are competing with one another on bigger iftar feast and amount of food spread resulting in more wastage of food and more importantly resulting in even more shortage of food for less fortunate and poor. In essence, we are behaving in exact opposite of the spirit of Ramadan. What would be best, if all the fortunate people would live the month of Ramadan eating simple iftar and suhur and sending the money to brothers and sisters in poor countries in Africa or Asia or elsewhere so everyone could have a great Ramadan. May Allah guide us so we could follow Quran and Sunnah in all aspects of our lives. Ameen.
This is really very sad at the very least. There are numerous verses in holy Quran and many ahadeeth against wasteful spending. For example, verse 31 in surah Al-Aaraaf. (7/31). But even without quoting Quran and Hadith, there are plenty of reasons we should stay far away from such waste of food. One of the most important lessons of Ramadan is the ability to relate to our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate. It is very much the spirit of Ramadan is to arrange food for others so one could get more reward. Instead, we are competing with one another on bigger iftar feast and amount of food spread resulting in more wastage of food and more importantly resulting in even more shortage of food for less fortunate and poor. In essence, we are behaving in exact opposite of the spirit of Ramadan. What would be best, if all the fortunate people would live the month of Ramadan eating simple iftar and suhur and sending the money to brothers and sisters in poor countries in Africa or Asia or elsewhere so everyone could have a great Ramadan. May Allah guide us so we could follow Quran and Sunnah in all aspects of our lives. Ameen.