After 15 years of smoking life, i quit smoking. Its really easy. Its just your will power.
There are myths with smoker's over quit smoking.
Many people think that they may face health issue if they stop smoking which is wrong
Digestion issue- wrong again
Feeling Sleepy - a bit true but can overcome in 10 - 15 days
Hearbeat uneven- not true.
There are many iphone Andriod apps which can guide you how to quit smoking easily....
After 15 years of smoking life, i quit smoking. Its really easy. Its just your will power.
There are myths with smoker's over quit smoking.
Many people think that they may face health issue if they stop smoking which is wrong
Digestion issue- wrong again
Feeling Sleepy - a bit true but can overcome in 10 - 15 days
Hearbeat uneven- not true.
There are many iphone Andriod apps which can guide you how to quit smoking easily....
Best of luck....