normally i never honk my horn but somtimes ppl stop in the middle of the road suddenly nd make a person get down frm d vehicle or buy somtin which we hav to waste our time stoppin behind them nd making more traffic... specially women i hav noticed alot... Qatar s country we do respect women alot nd given freedom... please dnt misuse it... i hav also seen number of men stoppin in the middle of the road just bcuz to make his lady get down frm the car witout an indicator... here the police is trying to solve the problem but i think they r lack of staff... we cannot use fone while driving to take pictures just to inform traffic violations done by other motorist... i hope the MOI will com to gud solution..
normally i never honk my horn but somtimes ppl stop in the middle of the road suddenly nd make a person get down frm d vehicle or buy somtin which we hav to waste our time stoppin behind them nd making more traffic... specially women i hav noticed alot... Qatar s country we do respect women alot nd given freedom... please dnt misuse it... i hav also seen number of men stoppin in the middle of the road just bcuz to make his lady get down frm the car witout an indicator... here the police is trying to solve the problem but i think they r lack of staff... we cannot use fone while driving to take pictures just to inform traffic violations done by other motorist... i hope the MOI will com to gud solution..