"Narendra Modi's victory in the Lok Sabha polls has amply proved that Indian Muslims were and are secular,".I am from a minority religion. I have been a big supporter of Modi like many of my other friends who were also supporting him. We are all very sure that he will be working hard for the country and not for his religion. It is the media who gives him the colour of a hindu extremist.India's elections are transparent.The author of the post simply wants to add fuel to those confused idle minds.People like you are the reason we have middle finger.
"Narendra Modi's victory in the Lok Sabha polls has amply proved that Indian Muslims were and are secular,".I am from a minority religion. I have been a big supporter of Modi like many of my other friends who were also supporting him. We are all very sure that he will be working hard for the country and not for his religion. It is the media who gives him the colour of a hindu extremist.India's elections are transparent.The author of the post simply wants to add fuel to those confused idle minds.People like you are the reason we have middle finger.