If it has an auto gear, then seems like it has gone and need overhaul which is an expensive matter, and may cost between 6000 to 8000
However You may try at your own, a. clean the gear box b. change the gear oil.

For cleaning drain out the old gear oil in the workshop, then ask the workshop guy to insert the air pipe from top and throw air inside the gear box, and then repeat the same from lower hole. This would clean out the metal pieces that are creating heating and may help with the gear changing.

Then fill the gear box with the original honda gear oil. All this should not cost you more than Qar. 150 inclusive of every thing.

If the above is not working then either you need to get the GB overhauled at street 21, or buy a used GB from scrape but that may or may not work.

And if still you have the problem then call 7440 1983 for solution