debts should be paid. regardless of whether you will get in trouble or not. not paying your dues is immoral and makes one a thief because you spent money you did not own at the time you got the loan but did not pay it back. the money you took out may be someone else's hard-earned money the bank your got the loan for was entrusted with. yes, they did try to get more money off you by their interest rates and high fees but you agreed to that just so you can have money to spend. no one forced you to get a loan and sign those documents. the insurance premiums you agreed to pay just so you can money you did not earn yet is not meant for that. it is meant to protect your family from having to pay your debts when you die or something, and you're not dead yet. sorry if i sound harsh but there are just too many cases like this. it is not right to think it's okay to get away from your obligations just because something unfortunate happened. unless you are a citizen of this country, everyone here cannot expect to stay forever. you should have thought of that when you were using your credit card and when you got your loan. this is why i don't take loans here and i never use my credit card to a point where i cannot afford to pay it back at any given moment.

to try to help you a little, maybe you can ask your employer to help you out. they're the ones who put you in this predicament in the first place. you can attempt to use that and try to let you stay at work a few more months so you can try to pay off your loan and maybe buy time to make them change their minds about letting you go as well. i heard of some people who escaped termination that way. if you're really desperate, you can also try the pity card. i had a colleague whose outstanding balance on the company loan was written off by the ceo and still got his full end of service benefits because he said he was resigning to take care of his sick mother back home (i think his mother's illness was also why he got the loan or something). he didn't even ask for it.