I wouldn't recommend it. I have looked into doing the same things and I've heard the engine and especially cooling systems are built differently to withstand the heat in Doha. You wouldn't be doing yourself a favour shipping it to Qatar. That's only what I've heard nothing has been confirmed... but considering our cars are built to handle the cold instead of the heat I would look into it a bit further. I don't know anything about rebuilt titles, doubt it would matter in Qatar.

Plus, on another note if you thought maintenance work was expensive, think again. Double or even triple in Doha and most of the time unreliable. So it might save you a lot of headache to finance a brand new car with full warranty and just rinse and repeat when its paid off. Make sure the warranty is full coverage that lats the term of the finance.

Cars get beat up here with traffic and the higher speeds. You can compare traffic to Downtown Toronto multiplied by at least 3 without exaggeration.